Each one of us has a different schedule. For some people, it simply isn't workable to spend half an hour in devotional time first thing in the morning. Others would feel totally lost without a cup of coffee, Bible, and notebook as the morning sun peeps through their windows. For the record, I am not one of those perky morning people. I feel very accomplished when I manage to wake myself up enough to read the Bible before starting the rest of my day. 

The fact that I am not a morning person and prefer to have my devotional time in the mid-morning (or admittedly sometimes late in the evening!) is not a reason to be lazy in my morning habits. Have you ever noticed that the days that are rushed and frantic usually start out that way from the moment of getting up? At the end of them I sit in bed wondering where the day went. How we start our days is often how we spend our days. 

Picture Credit: Biblical Homemaking. Used with permission.

 For the next week, I am going to make it a point to wake up, grab my Bible, read my verses for the day, and pray before getting out of bed. It doesn't have to be for a long period of time; I'll catch up on my journaling and focused thought later in the day. But the very first few minutes of my morning are going to be focused on my Lord. I have an idea that it just might influence the rest of the day for the better. 

    About Cara

    I'm a recent homeschool and college graduate, passionate about living life as God intended. I love reading, writing, the piano, Curly horses, quotes, and all of the little beauties in life. I'm learning how to cook gluten free and live in light of 2 Corinthians 12:9. My prayer is to live a life of grace and truth in 
    every day of this earthly life. 


    October 2012


    Bible Study
    Grace And Truth Project